Doing some sculpting

I love to sculpt, but I don’t make enough time to do it. I did make time for it this week though. To be honest I was in a bad mood and feeling pretty down and needed to make something that would make me smile. I grabbed some a ApoxieSculpt ( a two part self hardening clay ) and started making a gnome. Gnomes tend to be my go to when I don’t know what else to make. Before long this happy, mushroom loving guy had started coming to life. He did look quite like this at first. He was a bland light gray color. I first gave him a faux bronze finish that was okay. He needed more though. A bit of color. I brushed on some thin glazes of oil paint and buff it back off. After some back and forth on that process this is what emerged.

He is sitting on the corner of my drawing table looking as though he is about to get up any moment and walk away.


Spring is on the way.


Artists at Work Interview